Hello, I'm Kat, a Chicago-based ceramic and mosaic artist. I work at finding harmony in wild experimentation through dedicated perseverance, and aim to craft objects that make me happy. I work out of my home studio, on-site, and at Lillstreet Art Center where I am a student and monitor. I'm very excited to begin taking welding classes at Chicago Industrial Arts and Design Center this new year!

After exploring words on a page in Columbia College's unique Fiction Writing program, I’ve investigated small bodies of work as a painter, lithographer, photographer, sculptor, and as a properties designer in various Chicago theater companies. In each medium, I've found sublime joy in its inherent ability to tell tales and transmit emotion. Putting pieces together to form a whole has been an organizing principle of my practice long before I made mosaics. The pieces have been sentences, found or crafted objects bringing life to a theatrical production, sculptural elements comprising an installation, or individually cut tesserae nestled into their places.

The plethora of possibility necessitates a mindful response. My practice is to be engaged with each step of the ceramic, tile, and mosaic processes, from the inception of an idea to its maturation, materialization and perhaps, eventual installation.